Gardening tips with Grandma Ursula

Hey there, green thumbs! Get ready to dig into a blooming secret or two.
After dodging our appointments for a string of 'top-secret' business rendezvous, Grandma Ursula finally sat down with us to share her tips on how to grow the most marvelous Flower Garden. From what we can tell, it’s more than just a bed of roses.
Get your garden gloves on, because, in Grandma’s words, “Well dearie, once you start digging you never know what you’ll find… like spiky roots and sturdy twigs, of course”.
1 – Prune, mow but leave some stones unturned
Pruning, mowing and general tidying is what separates a garden from, well, a forest. But Grandma recommends leaving plenty of areas for visitors to explore, uncover and be delighted by – and some to never be found under strategically overgrown vines. Oh, and if you stumble upon an old statue, you might be tempted to keep digging for the fascinating story lurking behind it. Nip that urge in the bud.

2 – How and when to grow what?
After years of gardening, Grandma has worked out the perfect trio of blooms. First are petunias, annual beauties that flaunt their vibrant hues and fragrance. Digitalis, or foxgloves, stand tall and proud, but as they're toxic to nibblers like deer and rabbits, it makes them the outcasts of the flower buffet. Finally, the dazzling dahlias, stealing the show with their splendid flowers that can grow to the size of a hearty dinner plate! In general, Grandma suggests picking a mix of flowers that can captivate and distract onlookers, and even carry extra deterrent features just in case someone gets too close and wants to play detective in the dirt.
3 – Fend of pesky garden intruders
Every gardener must master the art of pest control and keeping unwanted visitors at bay. Fear not, Grandma has several tried-and-tested remedies up her gardening glove sleeve. Snails, slugs, and their creepy crawly gang can't handle a well-groomed flower bed. But, a tidy flower bed is like catnip for two legged mystery hunters digging around. So, critters of snoops? Your choice.
Try planting flowers in large containers so bugs can't crawl their way up too. Make the environment bird-friendly, in return they'll help you with their pest control expertise. And don’t forget our eight-legged allies, the spiders, and the delightful lady beetles. As for deer, squirrels, and rabbits, let's just say a good fence and a vigilant pet dog make for excellent garden guardians.
With that final tip, Grandma dashed off to her next appointment – something about a second hand motorbike sale, we didn’t quite catch the ending. Curious to know what else is budding in the Flower Garden? Come for the blossoms, stay for the secrets!