Happily ever after… or what's the matter? A mystery proposal throws Hopewell Bay into chaos

Spring has sprung all around Hopewell Bay, and this year, it’ll be one emotional rollercoaster! Here’s everything you need to know about the wedding season at Hopewell Bay.
When a pink Cadillac, ice cream cones, and other curiosity-awakening items began to appear on the Mansion yard, many townies thought that the Boultons had finally lost it.
Not many would have guessed that it was Hank who had finally found the courage to propose to Deb, the woman – and sponsor – of her dreams!
Hunky Hank was visibly on Cloud Nine when he finally heard his second-favorite sentence from Deb (the first one being ‘yes, sweetie, put it on my credit card’).
“Oh, Hank! I do, I do, I do!”
Not everyone can be invited to the society wedding of the century, but for those whose invite got lost in the mail, there’s Boulton Bugle.
Wedding’s theme color? Fuchsia and emerald green. Ice cream? Served cold. Honeymoon? Our guess is Paris – accompanied with the French Riviera as an entrée.
To a wedding so fiery, even the old flames are welcomed with open arms. The word in the Hopewell Bay’s beachy boardwalks is that a certain old nobleman, Count Reginald – Deb’s latest ex-husband – has been seen in town, preparing to attend the sappy shenanigans.
But what’s that ‘neigh’ we hear? Is that a miniature horse?

We hope that this eccentric gift from an ex-lover doesn’t turn out to be a Trojan horse causing havoc at the wedding! Speaking of which, it seems like Count Reginald has something to tell Deb…
And speaking of neigh-or-nay-sayers, has anyone seen Hank? We hope it’s not the case of his feet getting cold in the Hopewell Bay’s springtime breeze!