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Breaking news! All picnic foods and blankets sold out in Hopewell Bay

By Holden Thomas
Profile image of Holden Thomas

All signs point to a mysterious picnic festival about to take place in Hopewell Bay. Strangely, no public announcements or advertisements have been made, and no permits for a festival obtained, at least according to the city officials.

“All our picnic blankets and popular picnic foods are completely sold out. Our neighboring party decorations store is also having all-time, best sales. This is unheard of!”, Hopewell Bay grocery store owner says.

Whenever there’s something suspicious going on in town, Beaumont Hall is a great place to start. This turned out to be a very fruitful approach, as expected. Without going into too much detail (to protect a rather lovely surprise for some very lucky folks in town), all I can say is that only time will tell if there will be a picnic extravaganza or an intimate luncheon in the local park.

Whenever there’s something suspicious going on in town, Beaumont Hall is a great place to start.

We reached out to the Mansion resident Grandma Ursula who only had time for a brief comment. “My, my, aren't you persistent like a mosquito hovering at a picnic. I’d love to chat but my schedule is jam-peanut-butter-and-banana-packed today. Toodaloo!”, she said while carrying a bafflingly large amount of picnic baskets from her car to the Mansion.

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On the other hand, our local building inspector (and love-architect!) Roddy Took says he doesn’t know anything about the sold-out picnic products, and in any case prefers smaller and more intimate picnic settings. Go figure!

If you’re still curious about what's going to happen, we did get a location from Mr. Took. Head over to the picnic grounds and don’t miss what’s coming next.

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